Esoteric S-05 30 watt Class A Amp

Hi Agoners,

I recently bought a new/demo Esoteric S-05 class A amp. 
I have only had it for a few days, and I can’t find much online.  
I have a few questions:

1) It appears to only have 💯 on and 💯 off.  I don’t see an obvious standby mode. 
When I shut it off via the front button, does it keep any parts of it warm or is it effectively shutting it completely off?  
2) Does it need to warm up every time I turn it on?

3) I am not sure how many hours it has, but likely isn’t fully broken in.  What should I expect to hear during break in. Note: it made a massive leap forward about 10 hours or so of use.  

I hope to hear from other Esoteric owners, but thanks to everyone who may have something to share. 

Thank you! 


When I purchased a Pass Labs 250.8 Demo , Mark at Reno Hi-FI told me when I get it all hooked up leave it on for five days as it was not broken in . I did what he said and its wonderful.

According to the manual, there is a switch on the back of the amp for "auto off".  When selected, the amp will shut off when no signal has been received for 30 minutes.  My Esoteric equipment does the same.  In fact, my CD player doesn't have the option of always on.  Esoteric clearly believes leaving their equipment powered up 24/7 is not required.  Many who own SS amps believe turning them on a couple hours before a listening session is all that's needed.  An equal number believe always on is the only way to go.  Trust your own ears.  

I’m a “leave the amp on” kinda guy but even I wouldn’t do that with a full Class A (or tube) amp. Hopefully your amp doesn’t require many hours to get to its optimal operating performance, but many Class A amps unfortunately do.  If you do a lot of your listening on the weekend I’d probably leave it on for that and then turn it off Sunday night unless you find the amp to come up to sound fairly quickly.  Go by your ears.