Esoteric's G-03x Master Clock Generator

Hi guys,

Anyone here by chance tried these on their esoteric cd player ?

is it worth paying $4,000 fr this device ?

What improvements can be brought about with this unit ?

Thinking of this for use with the X-03 SE in the future.

Does high quality BNC digital cable make an audible difference ?

Thanks for inputs.

I'm interested in this clock generator too but regarding their P5/D5 combo. Has anyone had an experience with P5/D5/G03x???

Are the improvements audible or not?
If you own the P-05/D-05, link them with the factory supplied BNC cable and buy music with the money saved on the G-03x.

Or buy a nice pair of interconnects.

Or better speaker cables.

Or a couple tanks of gas.

Dealer disclaimer.
In other words, its not worth buying the G-03x ?

Would this same hold on the X-03 se then ?