Esoteric SA-50???


Has anyone heard the New SA-50?
How are the Digital Inputs(usb)?

I checked out their line-up and agree that it is confusing. There's different units at the same price point. What's the SA-60?
Confusing,for sure,but every Esoteric (SA-60,X-05,X03SE,P05/D05,P03/D03) that I've heard sound amazing. And as you move up,they sonically sound better.
Hi Alpha,
From what I have learned, the video ability of the SV-50 affects the quality of the audio. The transports VSOP or VRDS-neo also play an important role with the later being superior.The new SA-50 has the cheaper transport but has perhaps a better dac?,and imputs.I've been listening to as many Esoterics as possible and starting to hear the differences between what I been able to hear.Most, but not all has been on the same system,one I'm familiar with.

Im leaning towards the X-05.The VRDS-VMK-5 transport
is suppose to be much better than the VSOP.Although
it would be nice to have the digital inputs:)