Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.

Bottom line is I went out to Williams’ house. We all had a good time and food for thought. Even brought a bottle of Michters' single barrel Bourbon.

He didn’t know that Tidal would cache the entire song and you could pull the plug.

People will often take something trivial and make as big of a deal of it as suites their agenda. Nothing I, nor anyone else, can do about that.

At that point it’s the agenda speaking and not anything else.

 We all had a good time and food for thought. Even brought a bottle of Michters' single barrel Bourbon...People will often take something trivial and make as big of a deal of it as suites their agenda"
Well of course you are free to apply your acquired standards to the reported experience of others and conclude they are "trivial" but it is up to each individual audiophile to decide for thereselves weather such difference's are trivial or represent to them a more significant contribution to the resultant performance of a Music Reproduction System and to the best of my substantial understanding of the human auditory process, system and mechanism there is no evidence at all to support the assertion that the consumption of alcoholic products of any type can in any way enhance the hearing acuity of a listener.
You can make what ever mountains out of molehills you like. Nothing I can do to change that. 

I've also offered to do this at a show. The underlying theme is people and their beliefs are easily separated. 

I've also offered to do this at a show. The underlying theme is people and their beliefs are easily separated.":

Of course when you are able to get people "jacked up" on hard liquor it is very possible to manipulate them in to what ever belief you want them to embrace perhaps you should be completely candid with this group and tell it's many participants why you have this enduring interest in manipulating outcomes are you a manufacturer or manufacturers rep, promoter or investor attempting to achieve a specific outcome?
Of course when you are able to get people "jacked up" on hard liquor it is very possible

What? Jacked up on liquor? It was a host gift. No one was jacked up on anything. If four shots total were poured for the entire day I would have been surprised.

I simply wanted to bring William something that he couldn’t get elsewhere. Michters is really good bourbon that is not readily available just anywhere.