Ethernet connection for best sound quality

As far as I'm aware of for streaming audio with tidal hi fi plus ethernet. I need; besides modem and router.

1) A Streamer

2) A ethernet card specifically for audio jcat or matrix if I use my computer

3) Shielded ethernet cat 5 or better cable

So from wall to modem to router to streamer to dac, correct?






@antigrunge2 thank you for stopping, no one needs to read fictional “white papers” that have been debunked. 

@cleeds but should they, really? Look at this thread, someone wants to get started with streaming, and it took five posts or so before people started with the “you must have audiophile Ethernet products”. 

Yes, @fredrik222, everyone here is as free to post as you. If you don't care for that, contact the moderators and get the rules changed to your satisfaction.

I think I found what you dislike so much in the link shared by @akg_ca. It's in the conclusion, isn't it:

try it yourself at home!

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