Jetter, need I reiterate for you that this is *not* a product review? This post, if I do say so myself, actually delivers on the promise implied by its title line, should you choose to click on it - something that other post you refer to did not (as of right now, mine is still the only response to that three-sentence 'review', which should be some indicator of how worthwhile it was). If you have some pertinent criticism of my post here, then please, by all means contribute it. (And if you care to see how I do write a product review, you know how to find that too.)
Drubin, I just want one control center in my system, without having to go around back and pull wires all the time, and with the gain I sometimes require to listen at higher levels. I realize there is always, at least in my own opinion, going to be some sonic tradeoff for this convenience. I know I wouldn't be the first audiophile to have ever concluded that a preamp is basically a necessary evil. :-)
Drubin, I just want one control center in my system, without having to go around back and pull wires all the time, and with the gain I sometimes require to listen at higher levels. I realize there is always, at least in my own opinion, going to be some sonic tradeoff for this convenience. I know I wouldn't be the first audiophile to have ever concluded that a preamp is basically a necessary evil. :-)