Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
@ Dave_72, I have A krell 700cx, I was cosidering buying the DD 66000 everest used, what do you recommend?, the k29900s, s4700.., I have a pair of L7 with the Taralabs omega jumpers on them and the omega gold speaker cables, zero gold i/c connect to a Ayon cd-2s player untill I get A cd-5s player latter, the 2s sounds good, Its 6 weeks old!, oh, and still point ultra ss footers x 8!,on the bottom of my speakers, cheers!
The K2 is definitely better than the S4700, there's no arguing that. But the S4700 is good bang for the buck. You have a good amp. It just depends on the size of your room and listening tastes. If you have the room and the funds, by all means go for the Everests! lol.
@ Dave_72, Thankyou for the kind words regarding my amp,I really have a small to medium room, But, At this cost point of a pair of used DD Everest 66000 we would seek another house to rent if need be!, you know, get a whole lot bigger listening room, what do you think the mininum would be for a room for the 66000?, I have a 11 1/2 by 17 now with a 4ft opening in the center of the rear wall that gives us another 4ft, we love to stand in that spot, gives us alot of listening pleasure!, cheers!
You're welcome! Krell is good stuff and should drive any of the JBLs you're looking at without a problem.

As for the room, I'd say a minimum of 20 x 25 x 9 give or take. Since the Everests are a wide speaker they need a wider room. So, I would say the K2s or S4700s would be a better fit.

I would go for the K2s as they're the closest thing to the Everest, and are a better fit for your room. But only if you get a substantial discount. $44K a pair is a bit much for those if you ask me.

Take care!
I've heard them 10 feet apart center to center in a room quite a bit narrower than 20 (guessing 14) and they sounded fantastic, smooth, clean, no bass boom or excess bass at all. They do not need a giant room and in fact were designed to be a able to work in Japanese rooms which are not big.