Every day I see another turntable recommendation...

After digging into this topic, I am convinced now I need to go a bit higher on this first vinyl set up. I think all in, I am prepared at this point to go up to $5k, for the table alone, not including arm or cartridge.

But frankly, being on this forum is like drinking from an information firehose. I have learned a bunch and yet somehow, I am less convicted than before.

With that in mind, to narrow down the decision, I am want to restrict myself to things I can buy, hear and, if necessary, service locally. My local dealers stock, AMG, AVM, Basis, Clearaudio, Michell, Musichall, Pro-ject, Rega, VPI, so I am likely restricted to those brands. I am certain my view will change by the end of this thread.


For what it is worth, I enjoy my VPI and Hana cartridge a lot. I did have a Tavish Adagio phono stage and it was good, but surprisingly my new McIntosh preamp has a better sounding phono stage, so I sold the Tavish. 

That said, if you have a good enough phono stage or a higher end preamp with a decent phono stage you don't have to buy everything at once and can take your time to build it up. That approach also has the benefit of of hearing each component on its own merits in your system to be sure you are getting your money's worth out of each piece.


At the price point you’re looking at, there’s probably no "great" turntable, but alot of good turntables that you can really enjoy. But it’s a great place to whet your analog auditory appetite, so that you hopefully can move up to higher end turntables, where (in my opinion) it’s easier to appreciate vinyl. Rega is very good for a beginner, plug and play (and probably can't be beat for less than $5,000 for table, arm, and cartridge), but at $5,000 for a turntable alone (and probably another $2,000-5,000 for cartridge and another $2,000-5,000 for tonearm), I would look at other brands, with the understanding that whatever you buy, there will be limitations to it. I would just recommend reading reviews here and on other sites, and then you (fortunately) have the ability to audition what you are then interested in. At this price point, you probably can’t go wrong with anything. Just purchase what is available to you where you are, and enjoy it until you’re ready to move up the ladder.

Best wishes with your musical journey.

Thanks to everyone here for all of the generous advice. I always learn so much from this community!