Exotic Reissue Lps VS. Rare orig Which one? $$=$$

I put this Lp up for sale, when I noticed my asking price, wasn't so, "far-fetched" --from the unprecedented, $200+(!?) these new 45rpm Reissues are commonly priced at.
I got to thinking, "Since these Exotic Audiophile Reissues are
CREATING another NEW Genre for the Industry, with their Ground-Breaking prices..at what point WILL the Devoted Vinyl collector, jump ship from the 'Audiophile' fleet, and replace that habit with the unmistakable Joy --that awaits them, in
the tradition of 1st Issue LP collecting??
The monetary investment needed to fund either one, WILL BE similar enough-- IF it isn't all ready(but it is); That this HAS to be a viable, fiercely practical question upcoming. I say it IS ALL READY. If I'm wrong, I'll have a difficult time selling this Pristine, Original Stereo Issue, Gem from my collection.
A very reputable, online Rare Vinyl Dealer, I'm certain we're all acquainted with, here at Audiogon; had their recent Mint condition Bill Evans Trio LP Titles, sell quickly. 1st Stereo Issue offerings also, all gone. No problem at all, being purchased by a lucky few, of their enormous constituency.

With the Exotic Reissues now reaching an unprecedented $200+ per Title, why wouldn't the devoted LP Collector spend just one more,(approx.)'Ben Franklin' -- and add a Minty Fresh Original Issue Title to their Archives? Reissue Lps at their inception, were 1st about NEW access, due to rarity...for following generations. Were they not?
The "Remastering" or, "Re-engineering -for an alternate, similar, sonic quality, or, "attempting to imitate, that which only an 'Orig. Issue' affords,".....wasn't this 'quality' avenue pursued by the "Audiophile" the latter idea?
Though it IS complimentary to the Reissue, --as a courtesy offered to a new generation of music lovers. I believe the "alternate quality" of the Audiophile reissue logically follows...the former.

I'm interested in dissenting opinions.... it's the best way to learn something new.
And who wants to constantly-- "getup/sitdown" while changing a one-sided, 45rpm twelve-inch album 4 times per title anyway? Listening to music is about relaxing, not Aerobic exercise. My workday is too long as it is all ready.

Not to be controversial, for its own sake... but which really IS the best choice?? Do I want to support a for-profit industry with my limited music dollar?? Or would I prefer to be one that contributes to the preservation of history?? ....the nearly extinct Original LP??

The following is why I chose the route I did, with my music $$$ --
decades ago. For me, these 1,2,3's still make sense:

The distinct advantages of doing so:

1) Superior aesthetic NO reissue will ever compete with

2) Best Value=Reissue?? NOT... So why not passionately
enjoy, what the Audiophile industry will ALWAYS be
attempting to emulate anyway? Life's too short...

3) Superior Investment. Original Issue Lps appreciate more
than reissues do. And what influences the Audiophile
Reissue more/less to appreciate anyway?
The forever increasing value of an Original......

4) And who wants to constantly-- "getup/sitdown" while
changing a one-sided, 45rpm twelve-inch album 4 times
per title anyway? Listening to music is about relaxing,
not Aerobic exercise. My workday is too long as it is
all ready.

So I say again......Not to be controversial, for its own sake... but which really IS the best choice?? Do I want to support a for-profit industry with my limited music dollar?? Or would I prefer to be one that contributes to the preservation of history?? ....the nearly extinct Original LP?? I'm really interested in fellow member's REASONS for their opinions, not just the opinion, Thanks.
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Agree with all the above and also ask, what is this reissue that costs $200.00?

I recently subscribed to the 45 RPM Blue Notes from Music Matters Jazz and also the set from Chad at Acoustic Sounds. THEY ARE INCREDIBLE! and they are only $50.00 for two thick LP's in a beautiful jacket with great art work.

Tonight I was playing a 10" Chet Baker from 1955. I noticed the original price sticker was $4.95. For those that don't remember, that was a lot of money in 1955.

Considering what minimum wages were in 1955 and minimum wage today, the new twin virgin vinyl 12" LP's are close to the four song 10" from 1955 in price.

I don't see a problem and certainly no rip off.
I use the following rule of thumb:

If the record is available as a high-quality reissue - say 180 - 200g 33RPM - I won't pay more than than the reissue price for the original. If it is not available as a reissue then I'll consider spending more depending on how bad I want the record.

I'm sure they're great, but the prices for some of these 45 rpm reissues are really obscene.
I can say from experience that except in very rare instances the original will always sound significantly more musically natural than the reissue regardless of the genre of the record. If you doubt this, compare any wide band Decca SXL 2000 or early SXL 6000 against the reissue; NO CONTEST! Likewise compare the Speaker's Corner reissues of the Mercury catelogue against original pressings or early re-pressings. Unfortunately, the early pressings of collectable records are often much more expensive than the re-issue, take for instance the RCA Soria Royal ballet box or the Mercury Starker box, both of which in early pressings in mint condition (assuming that you can find one) are clocking in at $1000 to $1500 apiece. The reissues in many instances are very good and offer listeners a chance to hear classic performances that they would otherwise not have access to. Maybe the reissues even create a demand for the originals. If you decide to make this test yourself, it is imperative to do so using a tonearm on which you can adjust VTA. The 180 gram and the 200 gram records are lifeless at the VTA settings used for normal issues and the difference between using the VTA set for a 180 gram record on a 2oo gram reissue is very audible.