Gee, I must get my hearing checked because I would love to find some $500 -$1000 speakers that sound MUCH better than the 703's. I thought the speakers sounded great when I heard them powered by some Rotel separates, but a little bright when powered by a Denon receiver. I would suggest a good amp to tame the highs and you'd have a good combination.
Experience with B&W 703?
My situation, that it really matters or not, is that I haven't been able to sell my old Sequell II's, so I'm going to have to trade with the dealer - he'll give me a very fair trade price. Anyway, based on the lines he carries and my budget, my choices are limited. The 700 series seems to be my best option. I just don't like the sound of the 704's - a bit too laid back and "vailed" in the mid to high ranges. I'm waiting to get back there and audition the 703's, but I thought I might get some feedback here. Most of the reviews I've read of the 703's say the same thing; that they tend to be a bit forward and bright. I don't want to end up with an edgy or harsh-sounding speaker. Any input from those of you familiar with the 703's would be greatly appreciated.