Experience with Intona USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Isolator

Based upon some conversations about USB galvanic isolation, I purchased the Intona USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Isolator to potentially increase the SQ of my digital playback. I connected the Intona between an Exogal Comet Plus and modified Mac Mini (outboard PS). I used a 1M Morrow USB cable on the device side and a 0.5M Wireworld Ultraviolet USB on the host side. I burned in the assembly for 100 hours with music files. My first impression was an increased amount of low level detail and a deeper soundstage. However, this came at the cost of dynamics and drive. Music that I was very familiar with seemed to play at a slower, sluggish pace. I replaced the Ultraviolet with a 1M run of Wireworld Platinum Series 7 which helped a little (other reviews indicated that host cable was not a factor – but I clearly heard a difference between the two Wireworld's). I then swapped the Morrow and Wireworld with a slight step backward in dynamics.

Any comments/suggestion to improve the Intona experience would be greatly appreciated.  

BTW, the rest of my system is a Pass INT-60 integrated amplifier, Thiel 3.6 speakers all connected with Morrow Reference cable plugged into a PS Audio P10. Analog side is a VPI Prime with Soundsmith Zephyr MIMIC cart into an iFi phono.

You mention sluggish which for others could mean space and time between vocals instruments etc (better separation) maybe you prefer faster pace or you system already has enough space etc while this unit possibly creates more space which in turn could seem sluggish to you.
Either way it had an effect which is at least something in this increasingly difficult minefield of audio add ons.

Well, the swap to Curious cable did improve the dynamics so it appears the Morrow USB may not be compatible with the Intona.  The VPI Brick held the Intona down  (the Curious Cable is quite stiff) but I couldn't discern any effect on SQ.  Long story short, my system sounds better without the Intona.  I did come across some posts from Audio Circle that indicates the USB filters are very system dependent.   The Intona still imparted a bit of haze on my system. 


Oh well, another box for the audio graveyard closet!  If anybody wants it, I'll let it go for $200 including shipping in the continental US.

Is the  iFi Audio iGalvanic 3.0 a real thing?  I can't find it on iFi's website (which seems to get more confusing by the day)
geoffkait, I did all that with the Quicksilvers and didn't hear much of a change in SQ. With regard to the Intona, there is no transformer so the brick may just be damping some vibrations. I'll post my findings in a couple of days. 

randy-11, I'll also check out the iFi. Thanks. 
see if the iFi Audio iGalvanic 3.0 improves things - I'd only buy with a return privilege
Since the magnetic fields in question are directional it's wise to rotate the brick 90 degrees if the first position is ineffective. Also it's best to place the brick on the output transformer is there is a choice.
I used the bricks on some Quicksilver amps that I had years ago. They looked good, but I can't say the bricks did much. I've got one brick on top of the Intona now with the Curious USB cable. I will let that settle in for a day or so and then take a listen. 
Perhaps your brick was in the wrong direction since it’s directional. Mine worked great. Covering the transformer with Mu metal would most likely be better obviously.

I recall from VPI that its steel plates from a transformer.  I have several "magic bricks" that I can't say did much other than to hold lightweight components from moving. 

analog OP
Thanks for the post. I’m going to try a VPI brick (a piece of steel in a nice wood box) that I’ve had forever. I also have a Curious USB that I will try. Thanks!

Not wishing to contradict but VPI brick does not contain a piece of steel. Hint:
It’s not really a weight issue.
Thanks for the post. I'm going to try a VPI brick (a piece of steel in a nice wood box) that I've had forever. I also have a Curious USB that I will try. Thanks!

The Intona is a high quality improvement requiring no external power to operate. I found that putting a pack (small project box filled with steel bb’s) on top of the Intona also added sonic improvement.

I am using Curious usb cables.


Thanks thanks for your response. I will try a VPI brick to weight it down. What USB cables are you using? I'm thinking that the incompatibility might lie there. 
I have an intona. It is one of a very few devices that really improved the sound of my system. More resolution with very smooth highs. It did not effect dynamics at all. I would recommend since it is very lite in weight that you place a heavy object on top of it