Hi Psag, I appreciate your misgivings. I heard M201 monos a few times... Driving Maggie 1.6, Maggie 3.6, Vienna Mahler, Vienna Beethoven Grands... In all cases, M201s ran out of steam at the first indication of dynamic excitement... When they did not run out of steam, the sound was clean, sweet, and transparent, but not highly emotionally involving.
M201 were not representing the state of the art in class D amplification at the time of their release. They were based on mid-power ICEpower 500ASP modules, and were implemented as an entry level product. They had neither the power to drive demanding speakers like M501s, nor the power supply / PFC refinements of all the old M3xx series.
By extension, they are not indicative of the behavior of any current products, from M525 upwards.
M201 were not representing the state of the art in class D amplification at the time of their release. They were based on mid-power ICEpower 500ASP modules, and were implemented as an entry level product. They had neither the power to drive demanding speakers like M501s, nor the power supply / PFC refinements of all the old M3xx series.
By extension, they are not indicative of the behavior of any current products, from M525 upwards.