FAL speakers and drivers

Does anyone have experience with FAL speakers and/or drivers?
I know "Bent Audio" owner John Chapman is big on them...looks like he even sells them now? He has a forum at the Audiocircle, maybe you should post at that forum?


Good luck,
I've heard them several times at CES and always felt they had one of the top five rooms. They are made in Japan. Here is a link to their website: http://www.sibatech.co.jp/FAL/FAL%20Top.htm

If they have a us importer, I did not see it on their website. Anyway, they make a piano sound like a piano. Jeff
Yes, I've spoken with John and I think I've read everything there is to read about them on the internet. It's good to hear things like "they make a piano sound like a piano" from people who have actually heard the speakers.
If I buy them, I will buy them from John since we are both in Canada.