Favorite Cover Album

Tesla was announced as the 1st band coming to the music venue at the lake this summer.  So I started listening to their 2 cover albums, Real to Reel volumes 1 and 2, to get ready and keep warm thinking about the coming summer.  Volume 1 is my favorite.  Please share what’s your favorite cover album? 


Should've mentioned: they've recorded several CDs available on their website. 

Wow Leonid and Friends really rock.  Excellent cover/tribute band.  On a related topic, I have started to check out cover/tribute bands at local theaters.  They play the songs I know by heart, the sound in the theaters is excellent, much better than a typical coliseum or stadium and the prices are reasonable.  Plus they can still sing unlike some legacy bands that sound like they should stop touring.  

I need new glasses, or I'm becoming Emily Litella. I was starting to post the COVER of the Dead album Aoxomoxoa. Now that I've escaped this embarrassment--"never mind."

@wharfy , now I don't feel so bad.  

Bryan Ferry These Foolish Things terrific album of cover songs by Dylan, the Stones, the Beatles, The Beach Boys and many others, my all time fav covers album.