Favorite Pre Amp and Amp with Vandersteen?

For Vandersteen Quatro owners------your thoughts on your favorite power sources? Interested in your experience and feedback.
ditto on the audio research. Don't own vandersteens, ( got cats! ) but always liked thier sound.
Rogue Audio gear is getting along really well with Vandersteens. My system is at the "bottom of the line" for both Rogue and Vandy, but the synergy is sublime. From what I've been reading, as you move up the ladder with each brand, the synergy stays perfect, and the music sounds better and better. Good luck, and Happy Listening.
I spent an afternoon at Audio Connection with John and Mr. Ed several years ago.

Wasn't there for anything equipment or music related, but John had the Music Reference RM10 and Vandersteen 2s going - I forget the preamplifier now. Have to say the combination was spectacular. That was by far the best I'd heard these speakers.
The finest Quatro rig I've heard consisted of an Ayre KX-R running MX-Rs through Audioquest cables. Randy Cooley's setup of 5As run by ARC Ref 5 and Ref 150s at T.H.E. Show in Newport was compelling.