Favorite scream in rock?

Robert Palmer lets rip a tremendous, rolling scream near the end of "Sneakin' Sally." "The fact is ... rrrooOOAAAHHHHH .... JUST BEEN CAUGHT." 

What's your favorite scream, shout, or yell? Other than Roger Daltrey's, of course.


“You CANNOT Petition The LORD With PRAYER!!” 
- Jim Morrison 

Made me jump the first time.  
Maybe not the best rock’n’roll scream, but definitely memorable. 

Honorable Mention to Steven Tyler on Back in the Saddle. 
Talk about “Sex and Fast Cars”  Try that one on the highway with the windows down.  

Merry Clayton in ’Gimme Shelter’ when she wails

"Rape, Murder/it’s just a shot away, it’s just a shot away."

Her vocals MADE this song legendary in rock annals.