Fear of volume control

An audiophile friend of mine came over for a listening session yesterday and my set sounded better than I ever heard it. It turns out that I raised the volume control higher than normal, I guess to impress him.
Normally I place it around 12 to 1 o’clock. Yesterday I put it at between 2 and 3 o’clock.
Wow! What a difference. the room shook with the orchestra and organ at full tilt.
I was previously hesitant to push the volume much past 12 o’clock for fear of distorting the sound. There was no distortion whatsoever, just clean, beautiful, powerful sound.

Lesson learned!
find with very quiet preamps the sound is good at low levels too. That is you can hear everything

I agree with you on this, I used to have to listen loud until I got a really good preamp.
I get the same results as yyzsantabarbara and invalid. I also do most of my listening at lower levels,and the detail is wonderful.  
  I watch for two things: When my hearing maxes out and the music doesn't sound right, or when the listening room is saturated beyond what it can take.
 My hearing has changed in that way over the years and I suspect that it is damage. I can get away with louder volume than usual with headphones though.
Those days of really loud are long gone. As a teen, parents would regularly complain that they could hear my headphones downstairs.

Now,  I find the bulk of my listening is around 75-80 db. Most music can come through nicely at that level, and if listening to solo cello, or unaccompanied vocals, it doesn't seem out of place at that level. Having said that, I was recently listening to some Bach harpsichord at at friends while "testing" speakers at 110db. I made it clear that if the police came, I was going to blame it all on my friend. No way I was going to have a complaint levied at me for listening to that at those levels...

When it's really late and I don't want to disturb anyone, the volume drops a little. But the room is in the basement, and bedrooms on third floor.

And it is has been stated above, volume is very music dependent. Big orchestral pieces, or metal do come across "better" when listened to at appropriate volumes. (Harpsichord being the obvious exception...)

And, in the room as it stands now, anything above 95 to 100db, gets rough sounding as the room is being pressurized to the point of noise.

Now that I think of it, if I want to listen really loud, so I can have the physical impact of the music, suppose I could wear some hearing protection - like I would a a concert. That would be something if the neighbours complain, police show up and I have to explain the logic of my music listening approach...