Feickert blackbird, kuzma 4 point which cartridge

İ am planning to buy a new cartridge for feickert blackbird tt, kuzma4 point tonearm, full asr electronics. İ have budget around 5k. Lyra, koetsu, shelter, dynavector, zyx, miyajima, ortofon are very popular i think. İ never had a chance to listen except ortofon models. Reviews are very confusing. İ really like to hear your opinions about these manufacturer models, and your recommendations.

Showing 2 responses by roscoeiii

Have you looked into Vinyl Engine's Cartridge and Tonearm databases? That would be my first stop to see how the tonearm's effective mass matches with the cart's weight and compliance.

You have a number of suggestions that would be described as being neutral. I think you may be at a point where you should double check that these neutral carts will work well with your arm's effective mass. Then read as many reviews of these carts that on specs look ideal for your set-up. And pull the trigger. Maybe you have your heart set on one, or maybe you wait to see what of the carts of interest you can get a great deal on.

Personally, I have quite liked the Dynavector XX-2 (a Soundsmith rebuild) and the ZYX 4D I have heard. Both would fit your aim of getting a neutral cart. And it seems that folks above have already given a heads up on some of the warmer carts with more "bloom" that may deviate from what you are looking for (Koetsu and Grado for example).