Ferrite install on appliances AC cable

Is there anybody experience the installation of "Ferrite", clip around appliances AC cable, like fridge or computer, as these appliances are near (or in the same room) the listening room.  According to your experience, is the Ferrite influence the listening of the sound of music ?
Until I put a Ferrite core on my antenna lead to my tuner, my tuner was unlistenable with my kitchen lights on. My kitchen lights are all LEDs and must be putting out a lot of junk. 
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If you want to get technical about it, a bunch of very small ferrite beads, teeny tiny ferrites, located around the room, primarily along the 90 degree angles where walls meet walls and where walls meet the ceiling, every coupla feet, does wonders for the sound. Been there, done that. Thimk outside the box.