
Discussions audiosens has started

Which Cartridge Type and Value and best brand around 2000$14803
Integrated amp temperature16443
Diagonal speaker wiring with Jumpers25419
HiFi audio Fuse on a CD Transport194919
Panasonic DVD BluRay or Cambridge CXC Transport9442
Damping Factor vs speaker sensitivity272511
Same brand of Jumpers11975
Jumper interaction with 3 way speaker11748
Jumper interaction with crossover in 3 way speaker7090
Sound color with different jumper materials,144817
Speaker cable solid and strand copper cable137613
Audio Fuse Metal fatigue 14098
Use of a super tweeter worth the investement ?594823
Use of a super tweeter worth the investement ?16686
what differentiates in 2/12 way and 3 way speaker ?135612