Fidelity Research 64s vs Jelco SA-750e

Currently I have a Jelco SA-750e (10 inch) arm on a Sota Star Sapphire with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature. This runs to an EAR 834p, Thor TA-1000 pre, Quicksilver v4 monos, and Verity Audio Parsifal Encores. The sound is very good now, but I wonder if I could decrease record/surface noise and increase bass and dynamics with a better tonearm.

Obviously the Fidelity Research 64s is better than the Jelco, but can anyone offer opinions about what kind of differences I might hear and the magnitude of difference, if I change the Jelco for the FR? Trying to decide if it is worth the extra $1300 or so to upgrade.

Thanks everyone!

This review is from 2010 and a plain BS in my opinion.

It IS total BS.......and lucky it's on my screen and not in printed version or you know where in my body it would be used.....?!
The FR-66S is arguably the BEST match for ALL the SPUs ever made (A style or G style).
The writer is obviously deaf, has tinnitus or lives in Mexico City....🤪
@halcro I haven't any recollection of hearing the FR64/6. However, my only dog in the fight is the Jelco 850 which the OP is asking about. I quoted and linked to a review on the 64 which said it was a little rolled off in order to assist the OP. Then the FR fanboys cried foul which is fair enough.