Finest integrated SE under U.S. $ 6,000.00

What would be your suggestions concerning a 3oob or 2a3 based single ended amp that would be fully integrated or at least provide a volume control, and be the finest of that breed.
What is the deal with all these recommendations for solid state amps, when the guy clearly asks for a single ended tube amp with volume controls? And even specifies 2A3 or 300B.
I second the motion on the Cary 300B SEI but would add that if you can find a used LX20 version and don't mind replacing tubes a little more frequently, you'll get twice the power and quality. Also a few minor upgrades, eg replace the volume pot with a stepped attenuator, replace rectifiers with hexfreds, replace bypass and coupling caps with DynamiCaps, bypass the balance pot, and you got a different beast altogether capable blowing away the big boys at any price.