first sound preamp

hello, has anyone heard about the first sound preamp. i need feedback
When I worked at Salon 1 Audio,this was one of my favorites.Tube rolling is very easy-only two 6922s (Siemens or Amperex).Very open and airy,with good tonal saturation.Dual volume controls may take some time to get used to.All comments pertain to the Presence Deluxe.
A great sounding preamp. Which model are you referring to and exactly what's your question? Several people on Audiogon had or still use this preamp.

I love mine. Prescence Deluxe. Totally black background with an evenly presented musical presentation paired with a ISEM class A solid state amp and Dunlavy SC4a. my opinion there aren't many go..the creator of the a wonderful of the great features about the preamp is that each model is upgradeable to the next..for the most part..i recently had my 'paramount mk II' upgrade to a new level..'series 3...and the improvement is amazing...i agree with tpsonic regarding the siemens or amperex tubes..these are the best i have found also.i think you will love whichever model you get...
one guy emailed me and he use to have one and the audio horizon 2.1 blew it away. what can you say about it?