First System Advice on Cables

This is my first system. I'm on a budget and have purchased all the equipment used. I would appreciate any advice on all the required cables. All I have presently is the OEM power cords. The parasound equipment has XLR interconnects. So far all I have looked at were from Signal Cable because they appear to be in budget.

Two channel System:
Parasound A21 amp
Parasound P3 pre-amp
Revel M20 speakers

In addition, I'm presently trying to find a matching player.

I appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance,
No offense intended but it matters little as to which cables you use at this point.

Find something used on Audiogon; there are many inexpensive brands from which to choose.

After that concentrate on the components, ac power, and your room.

Go back to cables later.

Cable recommendations are very difficult to make as each system is different and what works for one system does not necessarily mean it will work in another system, additionally everyone has there own tastes as to what sounds best to them. Each of these recommendations is very sincere and I am sure it works fine within there systems and they are quite happy. I have always found that the MIT cables have had a particular synergy with what ever system I have owned, It is due to these cables having network boxes which enable you to match the impedances of your electronics, as well as addressing the additional interactions of your electronics and speakers, enabling you to extract the optimum performance your electronics and speakers are capable of. This matching can make MORE of a difference than changing other pieces of electronics. I suggest you find a dealer who will let you AUDITION the MIT cables within your price range in YOUR system, I am pretty sure you will be quite impressed and your search should be over.
I would make your own cables with Woods Yard Master Patio Cord from Wal-Mart $$$7.44 did a review on these diy cables here.....