First Turntable Advice

Looking to dip my toes in with vinyl. Would prefer something easy to set-up/use, that gets me a good introduction to vinyl. At this point I have considered the Rega RP6, Clearaudio Concept, and VPI Scout 1.1. Any thoughts on these tables or any others I should be considering? I don't think I'll be able to audition them locally, so any input is appreciated.
My system is McIntosh C2300/MC352, B&W804D's, Luxman DA-06, MacBook Pro.
IMO, the Rega is the easiest to set up, especially with a Rega cartridge. Also as you upgrade, Rega's are generally easy to sell on the used market.
The VPI is designed so you can upgrade it for even better performance. The other turntables are not so designed.
I still get put off by Rega's unadjustable VTA...shims...cover won't close with taller cartridges...meh...I get what Rega's design idea is, and otherwise think the P6 is very appealing, but I want VTA easily tweaked with any cart I stick on the no to Rega.

I agree with Stringreen. Get a table that you can upgrade when the time comes. Far cheaper than trying to sell your old table to buy another one. Also, VTA adjustment is a must have. You stated easy to set-up. Well shimming cartridges is not for the faint of heart. This would rule out Rega's!