Flat vinyl records... Please chip-in to insite!

Hi I've recently unwarped to the perfect flatness records that were brutally warped under the direct sun light shining onto the end-table glass. Without direct sunlight it's not happening. Can anyone recommend the bulb that has similar qualities as sunlight that can blast heat of approximately 40...45 Celcius or 98...105F?
Hello czarivey - 
I don't know how much light has to do with the process as much as the heat the direct sunlight produces.  A sunlamp might work for you.  

Check out the VinylFlat site.  You don't have buy their self-heating gizmo.  Instead they suggest an oven temp of 130F.  for flattening vinyl clamped between two glass plates.

Hope this is useful.

I tried oven. 
Direct sunlight between 11am and 3pm works best even at lower temperatures.

The old Metal Halide lamps would easily provide this light/heat. These bulbs are for growing and used to cost as much as $500-$1,000 depending on wattage.

The oven technique is a little tricky but works. The secret is to find the right temperature and time. A good starting place is 150 degrees F for 5 minutes. It also helps to sandwich the LP between two sheets of glass to ensure the LP comes out flat. Also weight down the top sheet of glass with fishing weights or similar. Nothin’ says lovin’ like something from the oven. 🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪