

Discussions ghosthouse has started

Great customer service from Auralic Ltd.14869
Schiit Lokius 6 band equalizer - in use observations90098
Schiit Lokius anyone?1705229
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.2909298
Schiit offering LISST "tubes" for SAGA & FREYA pre-amps1346919
No frills balanced ss integrated amp?474224
More crazy audio tweaks?403819
Is it safe to use XLR cable to connect single ended source with single ended amp?31823
Gungnir sound before and after multi-bit upgrade?1652555
Experimenting with reversing polarity to speakers 2225037
Schiit taking orders (as of Dec 23) on Freya preamp980441
Anyone using a Pro-ject Pre Box RS?22570
Will changing gain affect frequency response?948126
Now Keith Emerson is gone...278223
Andy Summers21115