Fleetwood Mac Rumours reissue

I purchased the new?? Fleetwood Mac double CD Rumours with disc one being digitally remastered and disc two containing outtakes and modified versions of the same songs on the original album. My point is that the overall sound and fidelity of disc one is vastly improved over the original CD issued in 1990. Wow, a huge difference. Any Fleetwood Mac fans out there should pick this up. It's a classic !!
Shadorne, and anyone else for that fact, please let us know if you have compared a reissue/remaster to the old verision and what you thought. I was ready to load up on the reissues/remasters until I tried Rumours.
I have TOTO Essentials CD and it is mildly overcompressed - it still sounds ok but the 80's Grammy winning sound ain't quite there after Joseph M. Palmaccio squashed it.

Doug Sax did a good job on Aerosmith's box CD set of their first three ( this was initially released on SACD ) and the CD sounds the same quality.

Another good remaster is Bob Ludwig's work on the Stones....still lots of distortion (or it would not be Stones) but an imporovement, IMHO.
I agree with the starter of this thread. The remaster is better than the original redbook by a long shot. And yes, it is out on vinyl but I have not heard it yet. Remasters are a hit and miss game. Not all good and not all bad. I would say its about 80% that the remaster will improve greatly over 1980's redbook CDs.
Not sure but Music Direct or Acoustic Sounds would know. My guess is yes because it came out after the remastered CD but it is worth checking. Good luck!