floor-stander speaker for "classical"

Dear A-gon citizens...very small room, roughly 10 x 11, and looking for above. I have Rega TT, Rega CD player and a variety of amps, including SS, chip and tube. Thoughts are appreciated. My feeling is, due to room size, this will need to be a small model.
I've had the OHM and the Preludes in a room that size, the Rega 3a is better than either FOR Classical .

All are very good speakers but the Preludes are a tad forward and have a bit too much "jump" for Classical while the Ohms are not quite clear enough. For Jazz I'd take the Preludes (in fact I do} and for pop, the Ohms.

For Bach and Brahms its 'da Rega.

09-03-14: Schubert
... All are very good speakers but the Preludes are a tad forward and have a bit too much "jump" for Classical while the Ohms are not quite clear enough. For Jazz I'd take the Preludes (in fact I do} and for pop, the Ohms.
The problem with the Prelude Plus is that no one has reviewed them and no one seems to own any, at least on A-gon. Whereas the Preludes use aluminum drivers throughout, the Prelude Plus has paper woofers and a silk dome radiator. Especially when you double the number of mid/woofers, this should dial back the tonal balance. Still, it's a guessing game so far.

For Bach and Brahms its 'da Rega.

So, you could say that da Rega is de rigueur?
To ME...and especially with classical music, the quality of the midrange makes the deal...I like Vandersteen. I don't think you can get better for any of the price categories that Vandy's provide.
The new Monitor Audio Silver 8 is the new benchmark in the pricerange till 2000 dollar. I never heard any speakers in this price range this stunning. In europe it wins every battle. And also has get many editors recommendations. Just take a listen.