FM/AM Tuner under around $500

I am looking to purchse a tuner but I do not really know the terminology involved or what the numbers associated with those words actually mean. If anybody can help on the following list it would be appreciated.


Harmonic Distortion:


S/N Ratio:

Capture Ratio:

Also if you have any product ideas for me to look and that as well ($500 range)
Hi Bianchi27,

I take it that your name is the bicycle you tool around on?

For tuner information please take a few moments to visit the two web sites I have listed below. They are a weath of information on both sites. On the fmtunerinfo site it provides with detailed information/reviews on many manufactures models over the years. Good luck with the hunt and purchase.

PS On one of the web sites the mention Yamaha and Sansui tuners for sale on ebay. I happen to be an original owner of a Yamaha TX-2000 and love the unit. If you can get that for under $500 (listed for $750) it will be a great catch. However, it is one of those rare units that doesn’t show up for sale much and appears to be highly sought after these days.
For a real killer tuner. Pick up a vintage Pioneer TX-9800 am/fm analog tuner. This tuner is amazing in every way.
TX-9800 weighs about 30 lbs in a nice cabinet. They are a steal if you can find one under $275.

It's close in a lot of ways to being as good as my other tuner the Marantz 10B (tubes gives it the warmth edge)
I'm not a tuner expert but you may want to consider a Magnum Dynalab FT-101A. I've read a number of comments on them that they are not that well made but I have one and have been perfectly satisfied with it. Then again, I haven't spent a lot of time searching out alternatives.

You can generally find used FT-101A's here on Agon for under $500.
As for what all the words mean, try these links:


I'm sure there are others that might be better, but they should provide what you need even if lengthy.
Actually, the first link by Lngbruno if the best, and was the one I was originally thinking of but couldn't remember. Should have read the post more carefully.