Focal Aria speaker

Anyone here have any love (or dislike) for the Focal Aria 948 speaker?
 I’ve ordered them (at a big discount) on their reputation without having heard them.
My taste is classical music. 
I want better imaging and more bass than my current speakers (modified Dahlquist DQ 20’s.)
I can still cancel the order.

My room size is 25’x23’
Power sources: NuForce 9 v.3 monobloc amps,  Modified CJ PV 11 preamp.
Wasn't there a thread on here 7 or 10 days ago, with someone who had ordered in 948's (or 936's) and was having a bit of a hard time getting used to their sound.

@rvpiano You may want to search 2018 threads.

Have you heard them with classical?
 Is there enough bass for you?
Were they hard to set up?

Thanks for any info you can provide.
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