Focal diablos vs Dynaudio focus 380 PLEASE HELP

Curious as to what peoples thoughts are comparing these. I know they are both totally different animals but im having a very hard time deciding weather a pair of super high end mini monitors with a JL fathom 12" subs, is a better choice for a wide variety of music vs the dyns (also paired with 2 f112's). The dyns would be able to get me the SPL over the focals, but they probably aren't as smooth, not to mention almost half the price for the setup im considering.. Any thoughts would be most appreciated! The electronics used would be a classe cap2100 and cdp 302 for the focals (roughly $10,000) Or Bryston 4bsst2 with bp 26 and cd1 for the dyns (roughly 18,000 used)
You really have three decisions to make...

(1) monitors vs. floorstanders
(2) Focal vs. Dynaudio
(3) price range

RE: (1) monitors vs. floorstanders. IME, it is usually easier to integrate a pair of monitors with a sub than a pair of floorstanders, and the results with monitors + sub tend to be more coherent than floorstanders + sub. On the other hand, floorstanders are likely to give you a greater sense of scale. So which is more important, scale or coherence? It depends on your personal preferences and what kind of music you tend to listen to. Jazz? Chamber music? Go with coherence. Rock? Symphonic music? Go with scale. IMO, of course.

RE: (2) Focal vs. Dynaudio. I've owned multiple speakers from both Focal and Dynaudio, including two speakers that bear some resemblance to what you're considering: Focal 1007be and Dynaudio Focus 140. Incidentally, I also have a similar sub: JL Audio Fathom 113. And I've heard the Diablos, but not the Focus 380's.

The Diablos, and Focal speakers in general, are resolving, transparent, and coherent. The Dynaudio Focus line is dynamic, warm, and relaxed. Which is preferable is a matter of taste and what the electronics are like. With the wrong electronics, the Focals can have some glare and grain. With the right electronics, they can be very realistic. I don't have much experience with Classe or Bryston, so I can't be of much help as to how well each of those would mate with Focal and Dynaudio, respectively.

RE: (3) price range. Again, totally up to you. I only mention it because at the moment you seem to be comparing apples to oranges in terms of price, and IMO that can confuse the matter.

Hope this helps a little.

Well thanks man! Yeah, just comparing speaker price alone, ive found both USED in great shape for around 7500. Its obviously going to cost more to power larger (not to mention worse effecient) speakers. So thats the only real difference in price. I can somewhat justify the difference though as my father has a older classe cap 150 and its had a few (very minor) quirks. The bryston has a 20 year warranty, so that gives me some piece of mind.. Im assuming all things being equal (with the low end cut off around 90 hz for the sub) That the dyns will be able to play much louder given there raw quantity of drivers. I don't reach super loud spl all the time, but when it calls for it, for the money im spending, I want to get to reference/concert levels when I call for it. That and given the bulk of the music style I mainly play, Id say the dyns/bryston would be the ideal fit for me. I haven't personally heard the fathom, but I did have the w7 (car audio and loved it) Along with the reviews I hear, im willing to purchase without an audition. Do you feel the 113 a lot more output than the 112? (if you've had the opportunity to compare) I find only a couple hundred dollar price difference used between the two) Would you opt for the 113 or do you find that its overkill? Keep in mind I plan on running 2 to even out room acoustic/modes. Thanks very much for the lengthy inputs! Most appreciated!
Do you feel the 113 a lot more output than the 112? (if you've had the opportunity to compare) I find only a couple hundred dollar price difference used between the two) Would you opt for the 113 or do you find that its overkill? Keep in mind I plan on running 2 to even out room acoustic/modes.
Yes, I'm familiar with the F112. I have a good friend who has a pair of them in his system. They are a little faster than the F113, but they don't have quite as much scale. So it's a question of speed vs. scale. But I think you'll be very happy either way.
I don't reach super loud spl all the time, but when it calls for it, for the money im spending, I want to get to reference/concert levels when I call for it.
Then go for the Dynaudio 380's. Even my Dyn Focus 140's were remarkably composed at high volumes. I suspect the 380's will be impressive, especially when you add the subs.

When you get your system together, let me know how it turns out.
I think you're going to be very happy.

Diablo integrates with sub best I have ever expierenced-it seems they are just way designed from the start-powerfull downt to 65hz or so, below that sharply goes down like a rocket.

It can play a sloud as Dynaudio floorstanders, but needs to be cutted below 60Hz in that case