Focal Electra BE series

Can anyone give feedback on Focal Electra BE series either 1028be or 1038be, possibly even 1027 or 1037 be series.
Currently have Revel Performa3 F206 and love their natural, clear and faithful to the music uncolored sound. They just aren't efficient enough and need more power handling to push a little louder at times. 
I'm looking for 89-90 or better sensitivity and 300-400 watt power handling.
My front end components are Benchmark DAC2, Ayre K5xemp preamp and Mark Levinson 532h amp rated at 300+ wpc. 
I've heard new Focal Kanta and they sounded excellent,  Electra BE series are a slight step up and are great deals right now. Haven't got a dealer near by to audition. Trying to keep to a slightly smaller than 45" inch tall speaker. 
Don’t know if the OP is still following this thread or not. I have heard the 1038be at a dealer demo a couple of years ago and they sounded excellent other than some bass bloat which was the room interaction and less than perfect placement. I was in the market for a large floorstander and ultimately bought a pair of Revel Studio 2s at a price I couldn’t resist, however the Focal stuff is very impressive and I think they produce world beating speakers at almost all price levels. One of the few real speaker makers who do it all (most?) in house work. They create their own drivers to suit their individual designs and have heard that they have over 600 unique drive elements available for their various lines. In short, if you get a chance to hear the Electra series and like them, buy with confidence, as others have stated, you are getting a bargain regardless of what Focal might be replacing them with. Cheers
other than some bass bloat which was the room interaction

Or... it was the amp not quite controlling the woofers. Just maybe.

Just to followup and thanks for all the responses!

I went with the Revel Performa F228be and I couldn't be happier! Love the open very smooth midrange, voices are liquid as heck. Treble extended and sweet and great bass, very resolving and articulate without being a hint of brightness. Highly recommend!

congrats, did you consider, compare the Kanta 2 at the same price before buying?
Yes. I heard Kanta 2 and a similar priced Dynaudio at a dealer. Liked to Dyns a little better than Focal but close. Dyns harder to push and lower power handling and the Revel F228be offered everything with exception of that Dynaudio soft dome tweeter is pretty special , a tad more natural but my Revels are still really good in that area. As I've read here I guess unless huge money hard to find absolutely perfect speaker. If Revel and Dynaudio had a baby it would be awesome Lol .