Focal kanta 2 vs Sonus faber olympica 2..which to buy?

The floorstanders being offered are 1500 in price difference (kanta is more)😀
I was able to audition the kanta,but not the olympicas..

I will drive them using a primaluna tube integrated 
I do like the Kantas,they are not harsh(something I have heard people say about beryllium tweeter)
70% will be for music..mostly Bollywood mp3s,Spotify and that order.

PS:if I had not heard the kantas I would’ve gone with olympica😔Now I am torn it worth the 1500 more I currently own the Sonus faber Cremona auditor Bookshelves
Would kindly request members here to weigh in ..I am not looking at other alternatives


Ag insider logo xs@2xvidya46
While we are talking. I have Focal 1028 BEs. Only a year old. Considering jumping to the Kanta 3's. Comments please
Owned the Kanta No 2’s...looked great but sounded restrained and cool up top...almost brittle.  Never got that organic liveliness I love and the treble just grated on me a bit.
Vidya46, yes to me the original Olympicas were bright and I think that was one of the areas that SF went after with the new tweeter. They bring a warmth without dulling the highs as some can. In comparison the Kanta can get in your grill a bit, but not to the degree that Previous Olympicas did. The real plus of the Kanta vs the Oly Nova is the bass. But I heard these in two different rooms and different equipment. The Oly were with a Arcam/Classe Pre/amp combo where as the Kanta was all Cambridge. I am hoping to go back in the coming week as they have changed the equipment and re-evaluate.
I have both, hard to decide.

One thing is for sure, the Kanta finish is meh at best.
Old guy with red tie..hah..I thot he was kidding..

Anyhow, Thanks all for your inputs..This deal also hinges on me selling my Auditors..And TMR quoted a Buy it now price of 1800$..That really sucks..Here on audiogon I see some for 3K..

So I am just trying to chill a bit and take it slow..but that Kanta deal will not last..its 7K,demo with warranty of 5 years..but the SF Olympicas would be used (1.5K) less..

I will ask the dealer for an in home demo..