Focal kanta 2 vs Sonus faber olympica 2..which to buy?

The floorstanders being offered are 1500 in price difference (kanta is more)😀
I was able to audition the kanta,but not the olympicas..

I will drive them using a primaluna tube integrated 
I do like the Kantas,they are not harsh(something I have heard people say about beryllium tweeter)
70% will be for music..mostly Bollywood mp3s,Spotify and that order.

PS:if I had not heard the kantas I would’ve gone with olympica😔Now I am torn it worth the 1500 more I currently own the Sonus faber Cremona auditor Bookshelves
Would kindly request members here to weigh in ..I am not looking at other alternatives


Ag insider logo xs@2xvidya46
I have the Kanta 3s & until I put a PS Audio tube pre in front of them they were a little bright. With the tube pre they are really really good.  I bought the Kanta 2s first then found a deal on the 3s.  I sold the Kanta 2s  to a guy who told me they brought a tear to his eye. He loves them.
You can’t go wrong with either.   Don’t listen to the old guy in the red tie.   
While we are talking. I have Focal 1028 BEs. Only a year old. Considering jumping to the Kanta 3's. Comments please
Owned the Kanta No 2’s...looked great but sounded restrained and cool up top...almost brittle.  Never got that organic liveliness I love and the treble just grated on me a bit.
Vidya46, yes to me the original Olympicas were bright and I think that was one of the areas that SF went after with the new tweeter. They bring a warmth without dulling the highs as some can. In comparison the Kanta can get in your grill a bit, but not to the degree that Previous Olympicas did. The real plus of the Kanta vs the Oly Nova is the bass. But I heard these in two different rooms and different equipment. The Oly were with a Arcam/Classe Pre/amp combo where as the Kanta was all Cambridge. I am hoping to go back in the coming week as they have changed the equipment and re-evaluate.