For those of us over 60..

What band's output would you say best describes you/your life as you see it?

For me, Allman Brothers
Impossible to distill to any particular band or any number of bands. No band or bands can describe the entirety of my life, too many changes.Childhood was top 40 radio, in adolescence the Beatles, British Invasion Bands, garage rock, later in adolescence the Who, Led Zeppelin and Psychedelia were very descriptive of my life.From young adulthood on, discovering music from every genre of music has fit my wandering mind.
Every artist listed thus far in this thread has filled various cavities in my brain.
A fellow Canuck (albeit expat), Neil Young has covered most of the ups, downs and wanderings in my journey thus far. Bob Dylan and so many others have spoken to me and about me.
I have to say The Mothers of Invention, and secondly Jefferson Airplane, especially their Baxter's LP.
Okay, I am over 60.  A band which sums up my listening pleasure would be the 1980's band The Alan Parsons Project.  Alan wrote some complicated music, very progressive and out of the mainstream of the common bands which often blended into other bands, not necessarily unique.  I am definitely not a hard rock person and prefer well written instrumentals and lyrics.

So much of todays rock is noise and too synthetic.  Listen to Willie Nelson's acoustic guitar on the Super Audio CD "Stardust".  Also Mark Knopler's remastered super audio "Brothers in Arms."  No room for any flubs on these albums.

Love Rod Stewart's classic standards songs.  Isn't the reference to all modern music Frank Sinatra.  Hard for any thoughtful singer to get through an interview without a word or two about "Ole Blue Eyes."