For those who "sold" Dynaudio Evidence speakers

For those who've sold the Temptations or Masters.What did you 'upgrade' to? Was it 'significant? Was it worth it? Looking back-Could you have remained satisfied with your Dynaudios? Do you think the money could have been spent "upstream" to 'better' effect-i.e. digital, pre, amp, cables,cords,isolation/conditioning? I'm considering the Temptation versus Avalon Eidolons as my next speakers. Thanks, I know there's not many of you out there.
Hello, a Dyn dealer here. I have yet to have a customer who bought the Temptations from us that have wanted or changed to another speaker. It is my opninion there isn't a better speaker. Some may think differently in the audio world. But, when properly setup I've yet to see anyone not grin from ear-to-ear when we fire them up.

Along the way what we have done is upgraded their amplification and source components, though. If you are seriously looking at the Temptations or Masters, I highly recommend quality solid state amplification. To me there is no better combo than the Simaudios with the Dyn's, but I also really like the new Krell Evo's.

The Temptations do not require crazy overpriced speaker cables. However, I do recommend quality cables upstream for the components.

Hope that helps. If you have any other question, just let us know.
I moved Temptations for Kharmas then Wilson Maxx2's and was pretty happy about the moves although the Tempations are magnificent at what they do well. The Temptations were very resolving but just not doing it with my (at the time) Krell 750mcx monoblocks. They were just very aggressive sounding and dry but perhaps it was the all krell kps28 cd player, kct pre and 750 combo with Tara the one speaker cable. Cast? Forget it - even more thin and aggressive. Also, if you are looking for speakers to throw and image outside the physical speakers then look elsewhere. Both the Kharmas and Maxx2's threw a stage wider than the speaker setup and more depth, which IMO the Dynos just did not do. I did regret not giving it a longer try just a little and perhaps trying hi powered tube amps like VTL, etc. which I think would have produced more body. I also do recall not hearing much in the way of bass in my room, but that may be the fault of my room which at the time leaked bass like crazy.

In fairness the The Temptations, they are incredibly resolving and transparent, even more so than the Wilsons or Kharmas. They can tend to lean and dry as the beach with the wrong gear however, so even more so than normal you need to have very high powered amps and front end that are resolving yet have not grain, has and lean toward full bodied, very settled sound IMO. You can tame some of the nasties with something like Transparent cables I would guess if you decide to go with SS but then that is a different set of issues ...
What Owl has said is true to some extent, but he has also said some of this is due to room and the acoustics within. Still, these are his impressions and should be considered. Afterall, he did live with the Temptations and that speaks volumes over anyone else that has not.

The Tempatations are extremely accurate and transparent and this is exactly what appeals to most. If there is one thing I could point out that might not appeal to all would be in the low end frequencies. I do however feel the Temptations do not add or take away from the original recording and resolve exactly what the mastering engineer intended to be heard on the track. Given the right amount of current these have no problem producing heart-pounding bass that is clean and in control. Let's face it, though. Some just love bass and there are other speakers that do just that....produce bass. However, they often sacrifice things in other areas. I do have one of these types of customers and we ended up adding Dynaudio Sub500 stereo subs to the mix. Once the subs were dialed in the first track played was Dire Straits - Money for Nothing. Good God it was impressive! I've yet to hear anything like it. One might say it was a bit over the top. But, the experience, I would be happy to do it all over again.