That is a loaded question .Having owned a Audiostore for years in the UK.
universally a SS amplifier,Vacuum Tube preamp is by far the most popular
for one heat , big tubes throw off a lot of heat ,and cost . Solid state has much more current capabilities,and vacuum tubes more voltage driven ,your speaker now has a say
in what is required a maggi for instance is far better with a big SS amp
having a tube preamp there are many choices and will still influence the signal .
a tube amp ultimately being the last.stage before the speakers will dictate finally sonic flavor. That being said many great SS amps such as Vitus,Pass Labs Gryphon have a Tube l8ke character. I recently purchased the latest Son of Ampzilla which uses Bipolars
on the outputs have a very detailed slightly warm Tube like nature but loads of control.
a lot to think about to make a Synergistic match for your amp,or preamp together.
universally a SS amplifier,Vacuum Tube preamp is by far the most popular
for one heat , big tubes throw off a lot of heat ,and cost . Solid state has much more current capabilities,and vacuum tubes more voltage driven ,your speaker now has a say
in what is required a maggi for instance is far better with a big SS amp
having a tube preamp there are many choices and will still influence the signal .
a tube amp ultimately being the last.stage before the speakers will dictate finally sonic flavor. That being said many great SS amps such as Vitus,Pass Labs Gryphon have a Tube l8ke character. I recently purchased the latest Son of Ampzilla which uses Bipolars
on the outputs have a very detailed slightly warm Tube like nature but loads of control.
a lot to think about to make a Synergistic match for your amp,or preamp together.