Mr. Decibel. I refurbished the DNA0.5 Deluxe myself. Here in Canada with exchange from Can To Us, it was too costly with shipping to made upgrades by SMC. Steve mentioned me that even if I redone all the solders on the main board, it would fail in the future. I also replaced all the caps. This was a lovely amp but I didn't trust it for long term use. It was a bit overly detailed for my taste. I still have a pair of Monarchy SM-70 They are very musical but lack a bit of definition. Yesterday I tried an EL34 PP in triode and loved it. It lacked power when I want more. A blend between the EL34 in PP in triode and the DNA 0.5 DeLuxe should be perfect for my taste. My new speakers are 3A Reference 2002. They are kind of dipole 5 ft high with a planar ribbon in the mids. I still have the idea to build a pair of mono blocks PP 211/VT4C. I have 16 American 211 NOS and a pair of Peerless S275S OPTs. As this project would be long to do, I need an amp to do the job before ending this project.