Fozgometer Rental Anyone?

Is anyone aware of a source to rent a Fozgometer?  If you own one and would be opening to renting yours out I'd pay shipping both ways and a reasonable rental price. 
Don't forget that you need the appropriate test record to be use with the Foz. 
FYI if your amp or preamp has power meters you can use those in place of the Foz. I had the Foz and sold it because of this. 

thank you!  I'll send you a message. Sevs is right. $50 for a weekend seems fair to me!  

How sbout right after after the Christmas holiday?  I'm having my arm rewired right now.  

@jbhiller  it seems I managed to beat you to Roscoe's Fozgometer, already sent the deposit! ;-)
I was planning to use my 2-channel oscilloscope but your idea of borrowing Fozg is so much easier
Go for it, Sevs!  I think someone bought me the test record for Christmas and my arm is being rewired so after the holiday is fine here. 

All the best!