FPB Series - Hot Running?

I'm sure the FPB series of Krell amps aren't cool running, but how hot do they run? Too hot to touch? Will they heat a medium sized room to uncomfortable levels without extra cooling? I'm specifically asking about the FPB-200 and FPB-300 - no interest in the 600. Thanks, Kirk
Itsalldark - That's interesting. It runs LESS hot than the KAV-250? That's the amp I have now, so I'm familiar with how hot it runs - definitely uncomfortably warm to the touch. I had assumed that a pure class A amp would run even hotter, but perhaps the plateau biasing keeps it cooler. Thanks, Kirk
I was surprised as well, no comparison as far as heat build up or sound. Go for thr FBP200C, you will love it.
I don't get it - I had a KAV250a that was practically stone cold @idle; the top cover was always only slightly warm. Maybe it wasn't biased correctly & that's why I didn't care much for its sound?