FR 64s tone arm lift servicing

Does anyone know how to get into the tone arm lifter to service it?
Mine just drops. There is a black plastic like press fit slug on the bottom of the cylinder but no obvious way of removing it without destroying in my estimation.

Any help is appreciated- it likely needs oil/grease

@nandric  thank you.

Do you have any specifics on how you got into the mechanisim

Right now the bottom pressed slug looks like the way in and it appears to be a one shot deal at the time of mfr. If I attempt to get it out it looks like it willl be destroyed and I will have to mfr another slug- which I will do if I have to. 

Just looking for any specific advice if you recall your process.

Hi nkj, By loosening the screw with which the lift is fastened
to the arm you can remove the whole lift from the arm.
Remove the lift from above. Then remove the black round
cover at the bottom of the lift. Then you can see how the
lift lever works. The lift lever need to be removed in order to
get the ''cylinder'' with oil out. Clean the under side of the
lift lever and then put the whole together. I am not sure but
think that the lift lever causes the lift to drop. To put it otherwise
one can see that the lift lever drops instead to move slowly 
Hi @nandric ,

My question more specifically is how to get the plastic plug out from the bottom without breaking it. Thank you.

I had the same problem when I recently purchased an FR-64S from Japan.  I purchased a replacement lift from an Italian company on Ebay that works great.  I’ll look through my account records and get more specific...

I need ,alas, to use an ''strange expression'' in order to explain

what I mean. I hope my English teacher Lew will provide the right

expression? Something like ''weak glue''. Ikeda used such glue

for the cover plate on the VTF adjuster (the only access in

the FR-64 inside),  under the aluminum scale  which need to

 be removed to get access to screws for the bearing and 5 Din


This is a kind of introduction to the covering black plastic thing

in the bottom of the lift. The thing is also glued there with this

''weak glue'' (grin). As with other ''glued parts'' one need to be

very careful.