Freaky speaker experience:

I have the Nuforce 9SE pre's and amps. I had them attached to my Focal JMLABS 936; bi-wired at the speaker but single ended at the amp. They sounded soooo crappy (tinny, bright, fatiguing) that I was ready to toss them off the second floor window. :) Could'nt understand. For kicks, I single wired it using the original jumpers. Now they sound awesome. About 10 cd's later still awesome.????? They sound different but as good as my Totom Mani's. Any ideas about the bi-wiring? Too much juice going to the high end?
bokfudo has this figured out...the 'feature' of bi-wiring does not guarantee any improvement.
I'll second Rleff. Sounds like one of the woofers was out of phase. If everything appears connected right I might go so far as using an ohmeter and checking the cables.