French CD players' sound ?

I've had a Micromega Stage 2 for a couple of years now and really like it sonically. So much so that I turned down an opportunity to replace it with a Theta Miles (unbalanced) because I didn't think the Miles was "better enough" in my system. However, mechanical reliability is getting to be an issue with this 6-year-old player. Does anyone out there have experience with the sonic signatures of other French offerings? Audio Refinement, Audio Meca, YBA.

For those who don't, but can't resist an appeal for a recommendation, I'm not necessarily looking for a neutral player. I like the warm, slightly soft (but clear) sound I get from the Micromega in my system. My room doesn't allow holographic imaging, although I have managed a decent "phantom center". The rest of the chain is Cary (pre), Threshold (power) and Apogee (speakers).
Macdonj, you really should try to get hold of a Capitole for home audition. It is probably just what you are looking for, if you are already comfortable with a more "tube-style" sound. I auditioned a 24/192 Capitole extensively in my home. It reminds me of putting a good tube preamp into my otherwise solid-state system. Overall it gives a very pleasant, relaxed presentation, especially nice for classical music. The mids are full, warm, and very palpable (as Sutts notes above). The highs are super sweet and non-fatiguing, even if not the most extended possible. The bass has considerable weight, but is not among the tightest available. The bass is slightly on the "ripe" side of reality, typical of tube gear IMO, but still quite satisfying if you are familiar with that style. I must admit I have not heard the other tube-output CD players, but they would have to be superb to beat the Capitole. So in summary, I think the Capitole will be a great one-box front-end solution for those already leaning toward the "organic" camp of musical reproduction.
I don't mean to disparage the Capitole. You are right. I haven't heard it and I would like to. It is not an easy piece to find for an audition! I have no doubt that it does brilliantly some things. My question is it the all-around performer that I am looking for as far as bass extension and dynamics. I will say that the player that it often gets compared to, the Audiomeca, was not, although it too did certain things beautifully.

Maybe when I actually hear the Audio Aero, I will be converted like everyone else. I just try to pass along what I have heard about it. By the way, this dealer, and he is authorized, says that the AA has some serious reliability problems. Has anyone heard this? Maybe this dealer has some reason to tear down the AA, but I can't see why.
Hi Macdonj, from your description, the Audio Aero Capitole sounds like your kind of CDP. Warm, liquid, with good dynamics. I did not find it to be week in the bass. Fuller sounding as opposed to tight would be, IMO, a better description. Wonderfully musical. You can listen for hours without fatigue. I'm keeping my EMC-1. Not because it is better. Just better for me. The EMC-1 has a bit more life and excitement for my tastes. Much will depend on system matching and the sound that hits home for you. Love the aero. love the EMC-1 just a wee bit better.
In regards to the question above about Micromega service, about 3 yrs ago, when I was looking into buying a matching transport for one of my dacs, I was told that the only service available in North America was thru a Canadian company. I did not save their phone#, but I would think that either thru former Micromega dealers, searching the forums, or if you call Micromega in France, you would be able to get their contact info.
Because on person happens to make an statemant like so and so company has serious QC problems sure does not make it a fact.Bottom line, is I know of no company that does not have a complaint about something in their product line.If this dealer is so concerned about the problems with Audio Aero's QC why is he even carrying it?Seems to me I would be looking for something else that is more dependable.

From my dealings with Audio Aero,they are proffesional,caring and will bend over backwards to straighten out any problems.I know of one customer who had a problem with one Capitole.Most companies with tell you to send it back and they would repair it.Not this one.They sent him a brand new piece.I would be interested to see how many manufacturers would stand by their product like that!