From Canada to USA - buying used stereo from private sale

Happy New Year everyone! Not sure where to post this! Please move it to the appropriate forum. 

So if I buy anything preowned such as amplifier, DAC, turntable, phonostage, cartridge that are originally made in Europe, what procedure do we (both buyer and seller) follow?  This is obviously for personal use. I (the buyer) am in the US and the potential seller is in Canada. 

1) Let's say the price is less than US $2500 and shipping is less than US $250. How much (if any) customs and other fees do I (buyer) pay? I looked at the Harmonized Tariff Schedule and it went way over my head!!!
2) Is shipping through Canadian mail vs Fedex or UPS makes a big procedural difference?
3) What is the responsibility of the seller and the same of the buyer? 

TIA for inputs!

I agree, Canada is not trouble, my post about the tariff rules was only to give a simplified explanation of the process. I've bought and sold lots of items without problems to and from Canada through FedEx, UPS and Canada Post as well as driving them back through the border crossings when I lived in Seattle. 
Stuff can happen in any country but in general , Canada is one of the worlds most honest countries .   I/10th US crime rate .

  I am a Physician.  For years our seniors were encouraged to buy their expensive medications through Canada.  Then these scamming rings started in Toronto sending back fake pills for our Grandparents money.  For years the Canadian government did little to nothing to shut them down.
   I grew up in Detroit, and yes back before 9/11 we would cross into Canada for lunch or something for a totally different experience.  But evil lurks everywhere
True Doc , I am a Patient 85 years old. I took car loads of other elders
up to Thunder Bay ON till the borders were closed and never had a problem. I take only aspirin my self .
The most evil thing in the USA is the entire medical system and the
US does nothing about it and from where i sit, never will.
All we should do is adopt the German System , which I used for 20 years.It is not socialist medicine , there were a dozen German plans , you could
pick who you wanted and what you wanted. Almost half the cost of USA with better outcomes .
How is that possible you say, simple . Germany lets NO German med insurer make more than 5 % profit . 5% is good for most corporate bodies and they would like the American 30% but they go along with the
program which is X amount per-capita for what it is.
Average Doc gets what is required per-capita for their office etc and what is thought to be decent living for a Primary Doc in Germany , About 120 thousand Euros . Which were more women that men when I was there.

Of course a German Physician does not go out in the jungle with a HUGE
debt like An American . More like none at all,.3-4 years ago a law was passed( and is enforced ) that no Resident
may work over 10 hours a day, Why?- too many patients were dying .
I know the Hell that is the American system is NOT the fault of the Doctors !I have a very nice young Lady next store than is a UCLA grad and resident . Crying on my shoulder ( virtually)that she has 10 minutes for the patient and 20 for the insurance company . (I already knew that)In Berlin if you need to get into the Siemens tube, you get a note from your primary , cost , 700 Euros .
In Minneapolis it’s around 4 k. . Must be the freight from Berlin where
they are made .

And Canada still has FAR more crime than us.Sometimes it does to take longer to get this or that done in Canadian System but here 40% can’t even get in line here and there you get
no bill at least .And if you come with a stroke or heart failure you do go to the head of the line!

God Bless !

P’S . Please forgive my sloppy writing . I have that middle whatch-amacale that makes you grasp for words you knew in 3rd grade.
Oh , Germany puts the 5 % only on things they consider human rights.
And compared to USA, on such the German people are one .

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