The smaller designs definitely compress and also suffer from port chuffing ( non linear port effects at large excursions). John is correct that big really is better in this case, however, small near fields are practical and bring aesthetic advantages over big bad boys.
There are measurements for focus 110
There is significant thermal compression at the low impedance points when playing loud. As volume increases from 90 to 95 dbSPL you lose as much as 3db at 50 and 150 Hz!
Provided you listen at a distance of 3 feet or less and do not require concert listening levels that should not be a huge problem. If these are used for mixing then a second pair of larger monitors will be required for bass checks.
There are measurements for focus 110
There is significant thermal compression at the low impedance points when playing loud. As volume increases from 90 to 95 dbSPL you lose as much as 3db at 50 and 150 Hz!
Provided you listen at a distance of 3 feet or less and do not require concert listening levels that should not be a huge problem. If these are used for mixing then a second pair of larger monitors will be required for bass checks.