Front end system for music streaming

I am not sure if this posting is in the correct forum.
I need help in understanding the setup options for a system. I am looking at Sim Audio 600i with M1i Monitors and a Rel R-528 sub woofer. I am tossed between Cambridge 851C or the Sim Audio 380 (due out in Sept). Anyway, I have no real music collection at this time except what is on my i-pod.
I am very interested in what is happening with music streaming from the internet. So I plan to start there. With this in mind, do I need a PC or some other device to manage the music from the internet? What recommendations do you have? Many thanks!
Just spoke with my Simaudio dealer. Apparently there has been a delay in releasing the MiND system as they work out a few bugs in the software. Should be soon, though...
My dealer is expecting it to arrive at the store in early December. He placed an order a couple weeks ago with Simaudio.
Just picked the MiND 180 up to demo today. Will post comments on performance soon...
Did some serious listening to the MiND 180 last night. Sonically it does not disappoint! It is easily as good if not better than playing a CD through the Simauido 650D. More to post on it in a different thread.