FT Audio/ Passive Preamps - Comments?

Any feedback on this preamp? I would like to add switching capability to a simple SET based system, but would like to change the sound as little as possible and definitely not degrade it at all. The amp that I use (Audion Silver Night) has a single volume pot, but accepts only one line source. I have already tried a few good active preamps with this setup and they changed the sound quite a bit and it was not to my liking. Because of this I am now wondering if a passive preamp might do the trick. I had originally hoped to pick up a used preamp with phono (AI, BAT, etc.), but having already tried an AI (which I really like in a friends system) and hearing the difference it made to my setup I have a feeling that I may be wasting my time trying to combine an active preamp with this system, considering what my goal is. The true integrated version of my amp retails for $3200, so that's out and the Placette that has a very good rep is also too high considering that I will need to pop for a phono as well. Any suggestions? The most I would need to add to the system is a CD changer for my wife and a phono.
Dekay -

Wish you would get out more? Meaning visit other sites :) About the FT Audio, I got one last summer to bypass / upgrade the volume control in my AA ddev3.0 dac. Being a tube-head I rightly struggled with staying the passive route or going tube pre. I'm happy with my choice, once you've gone passive it's tough to lose that transparency and dead quiet. My system was/is not lacking in what tubes provide so that made the choice easier - but not EZ. Plus the LW-1 is a much less expensive route than a nice tubed pre. I love mine and thinking about a DACT attenuator and pure silver wire upgrade. Tom is right, I've heard that you can put together a killer passive for cheap if you got the time / skill / knowhow.

Mike: I don't use a preamp at all, so am just trying to preserve the sound that I do have. It's kind of an odd perspective when going from an SET that already has a volume pot as the different preamps that I have tried sound "way different" and completely alter the sound that I already have. I guess the only way to find out is to plug a passive in (to the IC's anyway) and give it a try.

I am using a Stan Warren DACT 1 buffered passive. This is the best possible way to get the "pure" sound. He still builds them if you are interested.