Full Range Drivers and SET's, why is a classic combo?

Hello to all,

Thinking about go that route...

Wondering what are the main factors that makes this a classic synergetic combo?

A good single-driver speaker for low-watt SE amps is an Altec 755. I had a pair. Put it in a one-cubic foot box and it will work from 60 hz to 12k hz with fairly flat response and enough sensitivity! Add a subwoofer for the bottom two octaves.
I own three SE tube amps: a 2A3, a 45 and a 6BG6. The best speakers in my collection for them are the venerable. Klipsch Heresy Mk1's (99 db sensitivity).

Any experience with  the current Heresy IIIs and SE tube amps? Are these different from the originals  (Mk1s?) in regards to ability to run well off SE tube amps?

If they are still available, the First Watt SIT-3 does a wonderful job with a horn and at 18 watts can easily drive most any horn.  Very tube like sound and a great price