Full Range vs Trad xover design

had the SEAS Thor MTM past 25 yrs, upgarded Millennium tweets = $700 + all Mundorf silver gold cap, maybe get somerthing more out that top of line Seas 87 db MTM. Spent $1500+ on upgrades.
Today arrived the DavidLouis 6.5 Full Ranfe, 
Hooked it up to one of the biwres, disconnecting the tweet xover.
The Millennium is SEAS top of line tweet, just below their newer version Cresendo both 87 db. The EXCEL 6.5 are 87 db
The DL FR is 93 db. 
The SEAS tweet sounds likea  wet blamet is covering the unit as compared to the DL 93 db midtweet <,FR>> qwhich it is not, has  little bass, although it is NOT ina  cabinet yet, just sitting on  top of Speaker.
Cabinet will granta  tad more bass.
Resuults The DL FR blows away the SEAS Millennium mid range tweet, and Its my belief the DL will  shoot out any top of line midtweet offered by Scan Speak and SEAS. = Conventional lower than 90 db xover mid tweet are <<Dinasaurs>>  Out dated, dsyfunctional, = Junk .
FR is The New Kid on the Block. xovers only interfer with the purity of the music, Grant it there the FR is not <<perfect>>,. but its the best we have to date.
More videos comming next week
I plan to get the 10 inch FR and add a  tweet, maybe the Vifa comming next week from same seller.
anyone interested in my Thors please let me know, they'll just sit in attic collecting dust.
Any speaker lower than 90 db is <,Dinasaur>> You need to get rid ot it. 
91 db ses is the threshold.


Hey Eric you;ll get evena  better lol out of the above post.
There I got your back on all your posts past few years, 
You were right alllll along. 
xovers are the problem. = Dysfunctional. 
SEAS wants $800 each for their 8 inch FR, I can get a  pair of DavidLouis 8's for  less than $400 and may in fact sound better. 
OK I know i want the DavidLouis 8 with Alnico magnet,,now I need to search fora  super high sensitivty tweeter,, but not pay alot,,I have his Vifa clone arriving  next week, rated 91 db, that might be the answer He sells the Vifa clone for $45 pair includes ship!!!!!!!!
I will post a  YT vid upon hooking her up to the 6.5 FR cabinet.
Richard Gray advises to avoid the DavidLouis Titanium Horn,, Richard has heard TI horns in the  past and strongly advises that I avoid, which I will do. 
Here you go, worlds best 8 inch FR which will blow out any/all/every tradition xover speaker in the universe, 
Sure $1800 a  pair, But then ck out the prices on trad box style speakers, $$$$$$$$ and weign in at rediculous 100's of lbs, Need a  Fork lift to move them,
Championship wrestling smack down
Xover designs are dinasaurs.
Their newest offering AC-1A at $1800 is the very 1st affordable <,super high fidelity>> speaker in the world, No others acn touch the AC-1A
Once I recover from my $2200 loss upgrading the Thors, I plan to save up fora pair of AC-1A's. maybe late 2022. I  promise to posta  fair review/demo on Youtube. 
As you guys know speakers are more than 75% of the sound in a  system.  If not 95++% of the sound quality of a  system. 
OK lets just say it out loud, <<speakers are everything>>
why ? 
The 1st thing to start investing ina  high fidelity system are the speakers, #1 importance.
Just a  matter of time before these Voxitiv takes over the entire speaker industry, as there are no others that can even closely compete.